PCOS Programme
Implementing functional medicine to reduce PCOS symptoms
PCOS Programme
Implementing functional Medicine to reduce PCOS symptoms
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. The hormonal imbalance creates problems in the ovaries. The ovaries make the egg that is released each month as part of a healthy menstrual cycle. With PCOS, the egg may not develop as it should or it may not be released during ovulation as it should be.
Between 5% and 10% of women aged between 15 and 44 have PCOS. Most women find out they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s, when they have problems getting pregnant and undergo further testing, but PCOS can happen at any age after puberty.
Women of all races and ethnicities are at risk of PCOS. Your risk of PCOS may be higher if you have obesity or if you have a mother, sister, or aunt with PCOS.
If you suffer with PCOS, you may have symptoms including:
• Irregular menstrual cycles or no periods
• Reduced or no ovulation
• Acne
• Excess hair growth
• Weight gain
• Craving carbohydrates and sugary foods
• Low mood and anxiety
• Gut related disturbances
How can Functional Medicine help with PCOS?
A lot of this hormonal imbalance is caused by spikes in insulin, meaning symptoms can flair up when insulin levels get particularly high. Because of the link to insulin production, PCOS responds well to dietary changes. By eating foods that cause you to secrete less insulin, the majority of symptoms can be improved or even reversed. Together we’ll work through a three-step process to get the answers you’re looking for and help you make positive changes to dramatically improve your health.
Step 1: Take a thorough case history
After completion of a health and lifestyle questionnaire, I will work with you to identify the root causes of your PCOS status and look into what has been going on so I can get a picture of all the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. This will be done by a non-judgemental look at your diet and identifying foods that simply may not be suited to your biochemical make-up.
Step 2: Perform functional tests
You may have already received a diagnosis of PCOS from your General Practioner, but it can be beneficial to perform a full clinical analysis to check whether there is anything else going on as well. This is so we don’t look at symptoms in isolation – it’s important that we work with the body as a whole, not just the condition you are presenting with.
Step 3: Create a specialised nutritional therapy plan
Finally, I will create an optimising plan specifically for you. We’ll move towards a PCOS-friendly diet and supplements to control those insulin levels and reduce unwanted symptoms

12 week PCOS plan
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. The hormonal imbalance creates problems in the ovaries. The ovaries make the egg that is released each month as part of a healthy menstrual cycle. With PCOS, the egg may not develop as it should or it may not be released during ovulation as it should be.
1 x Initial consultation (90 minutes)
2 x follow up consultations (60 minutes each)
3 x monthly phone check ins (20 minutes)
In depth health and lifestyle assessment
Personalised PCOS optimising plan which is reviewed and adapted as we work together
Tailored supplement plan (15% discount on recommended supplements)
Recommendations on functional testing and interpretation